“Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one. Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.”
Deuteronomy 6:4-7
What is Child Deduction?
Child Dedication is an opportunity, provided by TCC, for parents to make public their commitment to raise and nurture their children in the teaching and instruction of the Lord. The dedication of children is only to be considered by committed Christians, for they stand before a body of believers and God wanting to be held accountable for their parenting towards godly living.
Dedication recognizes the importance of parental influence in the spiritual development of a child and views it as an awesome responsibility.
Please Note:
Child Dedication is not a substitute for salvation nor does it secure salvation.
Child dedication is not a form of baptism or christening. TCC only practices believer’s baptism and will not baptize infants. For more information on baptism, please visit our baptism page.
The Dedication
The dedication part of our service is very simple. First, the Pastor will introduce the dedication, explaining that this is a voluntary act on the part of the parents. The family will then be introduced with a few pictures.
Secondly, the Pastor will lead the parents to make 3 public commitments. The parents will respond to these with the statement “we do”, believing that the Lord will give them the strength and wisdom to raise their child in the ways of the LORD.
Third, the Pastor will have the congregation respond in agreeing to be a support and encouragement to the parents.
Last, the Pastor will pray a prayer of blessing over the child and a prayer of dedication to help the parents be faithful to their vows.
The Commitment
The following is the commitments that the parents must agree to:
Pastor: “Relying upon God’s grace for help and guidance, do you commit to strive to teach your child loving reverence for God and for His Son, Jesus Christ and to live in obedience to his Word?”
Parents: “We do.”
Pastor: “Do you commit to bring your child to church where he/she may gain knowledge of the Scriptures and to encourage him/her to accept Jesus Christ as Savior under the guidance of the Holy Spirit?”
Parents: “We do.”
Pastor: “Recognizing the great responsibility as well as the high privilege of parenthood, do you now dedicate yourselves to Christ and the church, by your own example in prayer, in regular church participation and in reliance upon the grace of God, and will you do all in your power to commend Christ to your child?”
Parents: “By God’s grace We will.”
Pastor (to Congregation): “And do you, TCC family, commit to walk with these parents, providing support, encourage, love, council and prayer for this family as they seek to live out these commitments.
Congregation: “We do.”
Frequently Asked Questions
Do I have to dedicate my child?
No. Child Dedication is a personal choice on behalf of the parents. The child doesn’t receive special grace to make him/her more godly. We believe that godliness will come as the parents take seriously their responsibility to raise and nurture their children in the teaching and instruction of the Lord.
Do I need to be a member?
No. You do not need to be a member of TCC to have your child dedicated. However, since membership represents commitment to Christ and His church, it would be appropriate.
How old should my child be?
Should you decide to have your child dedicated, it appropriately can happen sometime during the first few years of the child’s life.
Who should be there?
During the service all grandparents, family, friends and other significant people should be there to witness the vows made by the parents. The witnessing of the vows by these significant others will act as a seal for the parents.
Ready to Make the Commitment?
If you are ready to make this commitment as parents and wish to dedicate your child, please contact one of the Pastors. A meeting will be arranged to set a date and to discuss any questions, concerns or spiritual guidance you may need.
It is impossible to raise a child to be godly when it is not the focus of the parents.