What is baptism?
Baptism is a public expression of a person’s faith in Jesus Christ. It is a visible testimony of an inner commitment.
Christian baptism is the immersion of a believer in water in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. It is an act of obedience and a declaration of commitment, symbolizing the believer’s faith in our crucified, buried, and risen Saviour, Jesus Christ.
Baptism is a visible testimony of an inner commitment. The act of Believer’s Baptism is not a magical or mystical ceremony. It does not convey any special grace or favour on the participant. It does not “save” a person or wash away their sins. Salvation and forgiveness occur prior to baptism when a person, by repentance and faith, commits their life to Christ.
How is it done?
Many different church traditions approach baptism differently. We at TCC baptize believers by immersion. This means we only baptize those who can profess and demonstrate their commitment to follow Jesus Christ as Lord, and we baptize them by immersing them fully under water.
Getting baptized at TCC requires:
Attending TCC’s baptism class to learn more about baptism
Expressing interest to a ministry staff member your desire to be baptized
Working with a ministry staff member to pick a date, write a testimony and prepare for the baptism service
Getting baptized at a Sunday morning service
Why should I get baptized?
Because baptism is a powerful and meaningful declaration of the a person’s identification with and faith in Jesus Christ, His death and resurrection. It is a symbol of one’s spiritual death (to sin), burial (of our old life), and resurrection (by the power of the Holy Spirit) to walk in a new way of life.
Because, baptism becomes a continual reminder of your commitment to and relationship with Christ. It is a motivational factor of obedience.
Because, baptism is a practice of the Church community. When one is baptized, they are publicly identifying with the Christian community.
Because, baptism is an act of obedience. Jesus instructed his disciples to baptize new disciples (Matthew 28, Acts 2, 8). When someone is baptized, they are being obedient to the command of Jesus. The early church assumed that if you were a Christian, you had been baptized (Romans 6, 1 Corinthians 6).
Because, Jesus Himself was baptized to identify with us and to be an example to us (Matthew 3:13-17).
If you have any questions about baptism or if you are considering being baptized, please reach out to us! We would love to walk with you as you follow the example of our Lord, Jesus Christ.