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TCC is excited to be part of God’s mission around the world. We believe that by partnering with those that train, send, and impact a local community, we can advance the Kingdom of God beyond what we could do on our own.  We also believe that Justice and mercy are intrinsic to God and as we recognize the reality of oppression and injustice in our world, we recognize that a part of our call as God’s people is to address it.

We hope to be partners with the various missionaries and ministries local, national, and world, in pointing people to Christ. We want them to see the world with God’s eyes and to feel God’s heart. With great fervour, it is of high importance here at TCC to lead the congregation in fulfilling the “Great Commission” as stated in Matthew 28:19-20 and Mark 16:15-20.

Click here for information on our upcoming El Salvador Trip!


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Local Ministries

National Ministries

International Ministries





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Local Ministries We Support


Church Planting

Calmar Community Baptist Church, Calmar AB

The Sr. Pastor Keith Froese has been shepherding an exciting ministry of reaching out to the town of Calmar and surrounding area.

Visit the Calmar Community Baptist Church website for more information.


Life Renewal Baptist Church, Edmonton AB

Life Renewal Baptist Church is an independent Mandarin-speaking Chinese church. The church is one of the member churches of the Canadian National Baptist Convention (CNBC).

Visit the Life Renewal Baptist Church website for more information.

Pathway Christian Communities, Grande Prairie AB

Dean and Annette Yurkewich are the church planting couple for a group of house churches in Grande Prairie called Pathway Christian Communities. They seek to live out relevant Christianity in the communities that God has placed them in.

Visit the NAB website for information.


Southwest Community Church, Edmonton AB

Southwest Community Church desires to be an equipping church community that is transformational in Southwest Edmonton. This church plant was established from TCC in 2017.

Visit the Southwest Community Church website for more information.


Local Partner Ministries

Camp Caroline, Caroline AB

Camp Caroline combines friendly staff, great food, quality facilities, and year-round opportunities for fun and fellowship. They seek to serve through genuine care for their guests and campers. Their staff members are godly role models who strive to create a safe environment for campers to consider the spiritual component of their life, alongside thought-provoking teaching from the Bible and from the life of Jesus Christ.

Visit the Camp Caroline website for more information.


Gracefinders Resourcing Network

GRN has a mission to promote grace in all of life through connecting campus, church, and city. We do this through resourcing students with supportive relationships, and teaching on campus, connecting them to local churches for ongoing spiritual growth, and helping them transition to their callings in the city.

Visit the GraceFinders Resourcing Network website for more information.


Hope Mission, Edmonton AB

Our desire is to provide compassionate care and offer hope to hurting, hungry and homeless people in Edmonton and throughout Alberta.

Visit Hope Mission website for more information.


House of Prayer Edmonton - Jim Hall

House of Prayer Edmonton (HoPE) is a ministry dedicated to night and day worship and intercession in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. Currently, we have intercessory worship every weekday as well as Friday evenings. As we raise up more intercessors and worship leaders we will expand our worship times until we are praying 24-hours a day, every day of the year.

Visit the House of Prayer website for more information.

Meadowlark Christian School, Edmonton AB

The Community Christian Education Program is an alternative program for children Grades K – 9. Founded on the Christian worldview, love your God, and love your neighbour as yourself, this program seeks to teach students how to live their Christian faith in the context of their local and broader community.

Visit the Meadowlark Christian School website for more information.


Millwoods Christian School, Edmonton AB

We are proud to be associated with Edmonton Public Schools. We are considered an Alternative program and offer education from a Christian perspective to students from kindergarten to grade 12.  Edmonton Public Schools is committed to choice in education and because of this we are able to offer this type of schooling for parents who desire a fully integrated Christian program.

Visit Millwoods Christian School website for more information.


The Mustard Seed, Edmonton AB

The Mustard Seed Edmonton is a Christian humanitarian organization that seeks to address poverty in greater Edmonton through the building of a healthy community. They are called to bring people into relationship with God and each other and they accomplish this by partnering with the wider community to serve needs and develop gifts of people affected by poverty.

Visit The Mustard Seed website for more information.

The Street Mission in Old Strathcona, Edmonton AB - Aaron Cranton

Here in the City of Edmonton, there are so many opportunities to connect with those on the streets. Aaron and his mission aim to come along side those they encounter in Edmonton, create a relationship with them, and have a chance to share Jesus with them.

For more information about how to get involved, contact Aaron Cranton here.

Refugee Bridge, Edmonton AB

The Bridge is a group of concerned individuals and churches working together to build a bridge to a new home for families fleeing persecution.

Visit Refugee Bridge on Facebook for more information.


Taylor College & Seminary, Edmonton AB

The mission of Taylor College and Seminary is “to develop Christ-minded leaders who make a difference in the world.” These leaders serve as evangelists, pastors and missionaries around the world, from the local marketplace to locations around the world.

Visit the Taylor Seminary website for more information.


West End Outreach Center, Edmonton AB

The Centre has housed many community groups and non-profit initiatives that have served the community.  Among them are Fusion Community Kitchen, Jasper Place Community Family Group, Community Suppers, ‘The Porch’ for ESL, and Kids of Promise.

Visit the West End Outreach Center website for more information.


Young Life (South Edmonton)

Young Life leaders are committed to friendships with kids – no strings attached. Leaders spend time with kids playing road hockey, going to the mall, watching a basketball game, heading to the ski hill – leaders go to where the kids are and enter their world. We are all about communicating God’s love to the kids in terms they can understand. We welcome all teenagers; both junior and senior high, regardless of race or religious beliefs. Young Life values and respects all young people, and strives to make them all feel welcomed and accepted.

Visit the Young Life website for more information.


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National Ministries We Support


North American Baptist Missions

TCC is affiliated with the North American Baptist Conference of Churches and takes an active part in supporting the ministry whose mission is “is to glorify God by making disciples of Jesus Christ at home and internationally.”

Visit the North American Baptist Conference website for more information.


Alberta Baptist Association

Churches in the North American Baptist Conference gather together in local Associations. This association is driven by a Kingdom perspective which acknowledges and celebrates the fact that making disciples is a responsibility that goes far beyond the activities of our local church. We believe that faithfulness to Christ’s commission means that helping a sister church make disciples is part of carrying out Christ’s commission at TCC.

Visit the Alberta Baptist Association website for more information


Andrew Anstey (Mission Aviation Fellowship)

Andrew was born and raised in Toronto, Ontario. He first felt called into mission work during his teenage years. Upon graduating from University in Toronto, he began attending Providence Bible College in Manitoba, where he started working on his pilot license, preparing to serve with MAF someday.

Visit the Mission Aviation Fellowship website for more information.


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International Ministries We Support


North American Baptist (NAB) Missions

Chain of Love Homes, Brazil

Located in the city of Nova Hamburgo, CHAIN of Love provides loving, secure, caring homes for abandoned and abused street children in Brazil.

Visit the CHAIN of Love website for more information.


Jason & Erin Bergman, Romania

Jason and Erin are from Edmonton Alberta and are newly appointed missionaries to Romania Camp Development at Camp Falcon Rock.

Click here for more information about the Bergman’s.


Paul & Tanya Gericke, Romania

Paul and Tanya have been in Romania since the fall of 2014, helping develop Camp Falcon Rock alongside the Hungarian Baptist Convention of Romania (HBC) and National Missionaries Tamas and Tunde Modi.

Click here for more information about the Gerickes.


Nick & Iris Hung, East Asia

Nick and Iris provide evangelism and discipleship to expatriates in Asia.

Click here for more information about the Hungs.

Brandon & Marci Jones, Brazil

Brandon, Marci, and their three children serve in Brazil where Brandon is a professor at a local Seminary that equips new leaders for Church ministry.

Visit their personal website Teaching Beyond Borders to learn more.

Or visit the NAB website for more information.


Yuri Nakano, Japan

As a Japanese-Canadian, Yuri has a unique, God-given background in being sent out from North America as a missionary to Japan. God has placed a burden on her heart to bring the hope of the gospel to Japan. God has called and equipped Yuri to serve in evangelism, discipleship and church planting alongside a faithful team of missionaries.

Click here for more information about Yuri Nakano.

Joost & Cheryl Pickkert, Indonesia

Joost and Cheryl are missionaries with Wycliffe Bible Translators.

They are working in conjunction with the Indonesian Board of Education to reform the education system by addressing the challenges of literacy.  This is a tremendous open door not only for elevating the education systems for children, but in bringing the scriptures to the people of Indonesia.

Click here for more information about the Pickkert’s.


Vern & Gloria Wagner, Romania

Along with Paul & Tanya Gericke and national missionaries Tamas & Tunde Modi, The Wagners are working to build Camp Falcon Rock and host teams that come to serve. Their camp experience and passion for this type of ministry, as well as their servant hearts, are a tremendous asset to the team and work in Romania.

Click here for more information about the Wagner’s.


Other Missions

La Jornada, Ken Switzer, Bolivia

La Jornada is a permanent residence for up to ten young men based in Santa Cruz, Bolivia. La Jornada provides these young men with a home while they study and complete their post-secondary education.  All of these young men are ex-street kids or were abandoned as children

Click here for more information about La Jornada.